Ohainle Lab News

JUNE 2024: TOLU S., CATHY K. and MASON J. arrive for summer research experiences. Welcome TOLU, CATHY and MASON!

MAY 2024: The Ohainle Lab welcomes two new Ph.D. students to the lab. BRIDGETT R. from the IDI (Infectious Diseases and Immunity) program and MICHAEL S. from MCB (co-mentored by Peter Sudmant in Integrative Biology). Welcome MICHAEL and BRIDGETT!

MARCH 2024: Our review on “Capsid-dependent lentiviral restrictions” is published in Journal of Virology (open access).

MARCH 2024: SCARLETH C.U. and JINNA B. rotate in the lab as MCB Ph.D. students. Welcome SCARLETH and JINNA!

FEBRUARY 2024: FABRICIO C. joins the lab through the Research Experiences for Peruvian Undergrads (REPU) program. Welcome FABRICIO!

DECEMBER 2023: IDI student BRIDGETT R. rotates in the Ohainle Lab. Welcome BRIDGETT!

SEPTEMBER 2023: MCB students MICHAEL S. and ANTHONY V. rotate in the Ohainle Lab. Welcome MICHAEL and ANTHONY!

AUGUST 2023: UW MCB Ph.D. student publishes her thesis work in Retrovirology. Congrats Joy!

JULY 2023: LETICIA Pereira joins the Ohainle Lab as a Research Technician/Lab Manager. Welcome Leticia!

JUNE 2023: ANDREW Gabagat and CRISTIAN Ceballos join the Ohainle Lab as UC Berkeley Undergraduate Researchers. Welcome Andrew! And Welcome Cristian!

MAY 2023: MOLLY has been awarded funding through the Rose Hills Innovator program

MAY 2023: CLARE Gill joins the Ohainle Lab as an MCB Ph.D. student. Welcome Clare!

APR 2023: Ph.D. student MICHAEL is officially a Ph.D. candidate. Congrats MICHAEL on passing your Qualifying Exam.

APR 2023: Ph.D. student ISAIAH is officially a Ph.D. candidate. Congrats ISIAH on passing your Qualifying Exam.

APR 2023: The Ohainle Lab is awarded funding through the Shurl & Kay Curci Foundation.

MAR 2023: Ph.D. student MICHAEL is awarded the prestigious NSF GRFP (graduate research fellowship). Way to go Michael!

MAR 2023: JOY’s work on TRIM34 function in primates is up on biorxiv.

FEB 2023: UW Ph.D. student JOY presents a poster at CROI in Seattle.

JAN 2023: Work lead by UW Ph.D. students VANESSA and EMILY publish their work in mBio and PLoS Pathogens.

JAN 2023: MCB student CLARE rotates in the Ohainle Lab. Welcome Clare!

OCT 2022: Two new HIV-CRISPR screens preprinted on biorxiv here and here from University of Washington Ph.D. students VANESSA and EMILY.

OCT 2022: The Ohainle Lab attends the West Coast Retrovirus Meeting in Palm Springs. ANTHONY, ISAIAH and MICHAEL present posters – nicely done!

SEPT 2022: MCB student BRENNA rotates in the Ohainle Lab. Welcome Brenna!

AUGUST 2022: The Ohainle Lab opens its doors and welcomes ANTHONY and LAURA as Technicians/Lab Co-Managers. Welcome Laura and Anthony!

JULY 2022: MICHAEL Young and ISAIAH Grant join the Ohainle Lab (UC Berkeley MCB Ph.D. graduate students). Welcome Michael and Isaiah!

SUMMER 2022: Ohainle Lab to open at UC Berkeley.

OCTOBER 2021: Dr. Ohainle appointed Assistant Professor at UC Berkeley, Dept of Molecular and Cell Biology, Division of Immunology & Pathogenesis.
(more on Twitter here)